so i got my car, and an insurance from the dealer and then forgot all about the latter. i never needed the insurance, and i was busy enjoying the car, stuck in the traffic jams galore.
and yesterday i get a phone call, sweet woman reminds me to renew my car insurance. she is calling from Reliance from which i had the insurance already, so it all seems safe and secure. but she asks me to bring my old policy and cover letter paper. now, i seriously don't know where they are! used to US ways of giving my SSN and the operator having all my information, i said the same thing - 'can you send a copy of my policy with the agent you send to collect the check?'
the lady on the phone is taken aback.
she - 'surely, you must have your cover letter?'
me - well if i can find one, i can find the other!
she - but sir, we can't send a copy with the agent, we only have your name and number, no other information.
me - well, i will have to dig up my papers.
she - sir, you may also want to take insurance from ICICI, they are offering 32% discount compared to 30% of Reliance.
me - (surprised) so which company are you with - Reliance or ICICI?
she - (laughs sheepishly) it is the same company! you can buy either one.
i am of course extra cautious now, and don't promise anything.
and then in 5 minutes after hanging up,i get another friendly voice cajoling me to renew insurance. then subtly the topic of ICICI instead of Reliance insurance is brought in!
today, i got an SMS from my car dealer, saying that - "don't give insurance renewal checks to agents without proper investigation as to who they are!"
so, people, be careful out there. don't believe on phone calls. make a call yourselves to teh number on your contract papers and then proceed. the scams are getting so elegant and smooth, that sometiems i feel that your end service provider itself is doing scams - you never know why you are paying how much for what!!!
be careful out there!
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